Tuexenia-Band 38 (2018)
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- Dierschke, H. & Heinken, T. (2018): Inhalt, Vorwort. – Tuexenia 38: 1–9.
[PDF 3.2 MB] - Dittmann, T., Heinken, T. & Schmidt, M. (2018): Die Wälder von Magdeburgerforth (Fläming, Sachsen-Anhalt) - eine Wiederholungsuntersuchung nach sechs Jahrzehnten. – Tuexenia 38: 11–42.
[PDF 3.7 MB] - Bauer, M., Dorbath, K. & Kollmann, J. (2018): Alluvial forest vegetation in an active and inactive alpine floodplain - a case study from River Ammer (Bavaria). – Tuexenia 38: 43–60.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Ewald, J., Hédl, R., Chudomelová, M., Petøík, P., Šipoš, J. & Vild, O. (2018): High resilience of plant species composition to coppice restoration - a chronosequence from the oak woodland of Gerolfing (Bavaria). – Tuexenia 38: 61–78.
[PDF 4.1 MB] - Petzold, J., Dittrich, S., Fichtner, A., Härdtle, W., Naumann, B. & Oheimb, G. v. (2018): Effects of forest management intensity on herb layer plant diversity and composition of deciduous forest communities in Northern Germany. – Tuexenia 38: 79–96.
[PDF 1.5 MB] - Walentowski, H., Aas, G., Göllner, A., Ahl, L. & Feulner, M. (2018): Phytosociological studies of Malus sylvestris in North Hesse and Upper Franconia, Germany. – Tuexenia 38: 97–110.
[PDF 1.1 MB] - Heinrichs, S., Dierschke, H., Kompa, T. & Schmidt, W. (2018): Effect of phenology, nutrient availability and windthrow on flowering of Allium ursinum - results from long-term monitoring and experiments. – Tuexenia 38: 111–134.
[PDF 5.6 MB] - Gazdiæ, M., Reif, A., Kneževiæ, M., Petroviæ, D., Stojanoviæ, M. & Dološ, K. (2018): Diversity and ecological differentiation of mixed forest in northern Montenegro (Mt. Bjelasica) with reference to European classification. – Tuexenia 38: 135–154.
[PDF 1.5 MB] - Ziêba, A., Ró¿añski, W. & Szwagrzyk, J. (2018): Syntaxonomy of relic Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) forests in the Tatra Mountains. – Tuexenia 38: 155–176.
[PDF 3.5 MB] - Czortek, P., Ratyñska, H., Dyderski, M. K., Jagodziñski, A. M., Orczewska, A. & Jaroszewicz, B. (2018): Cessation of livestock grazing and windthrow drive a shift in plant species composition in the Western Tatra Mts. – Tuexenia 38: 177–196.
[PDF 11 MB] - Dzwonko, Z., Loster, S. & Gawroñski, S. (2018): Effects of fire severity on understory community regeneration and early succession after burning of moist pine forest. – Tuexenia 38: 197–214.
[PDF 2.1 MB] - Elias, D., Hölzel, N. & Tischew, S. (2018): Goat paddock grazing improves the conservation status of shrub-encroached dry grasslands. – Tuexenia 38: 215–233.
[PDF 3.1 MB] - Ruthsatz, B. (2018): Was haben Pilze wie die Saftlinge (Gattung Hygrocybe s. l.) auf magerem Grünland zu suchen?. – Tuexenia 38: 235–250.
[PDF 584 KB] - Stix, S. & Erschbamer, B. (2018): Zunahme der Artenvielfalt in zentralalpinen Mooren. – Tuexenia 38: 251–267.
[PDF 6.1 MB] - Cvijanoviæ, D., Lakusic, D., Živkoviæ, M., Novkovic, M., Anðelkoviæ, A., Pavlovic, D., Vukov, D. & Raduloviæ, S. (2018): An overview of aquatic vegetation in Serbia. – Tuexenia 38: 269–286.
[PDF 1.6 MB] - Tischew, S., Dierschke, H., Schwabe, A., Garve, E., Heinken, T., Hölzel, N., Bergmeier, E., Remy, D. & Härdtle, W. (2018): Pflanzengesellschaft des Jahres 2019: Die Glatthaferwiese. – Tuexenia 38: 287–295.
[PDF 8.3 MB] - Friedemann, G., Hoppe, A. & Bergmeier, E. (2018): Open Access zu 13 500 europäischen Vegetationsaufnahmen aus dem Reinhold-Tüxen-Archiv. – Tuexenia 38: 297–304.
[PDF 428 KB] - Deak, B., Becker, T., Boch, S. & Wagner, V. (2018): Conservation, management and restoration of semi-natural and natural grasslands in Central Europe - Editorial to the 13th EDGG Special Feature. – Tuexenia 38: 305–310.
[PDF 386 KB] - Boch, S., Müller, J., Prati, D. & Fischer, M. (2018): Low-intensity management promotes bryophyte diversity in grasslands. – Tuexenia 38: 311–328.
[PDF 830 KB] - Bódis, J., Biró, É., Nagy, T., Takács, A., V., A. M. & Lukács, B. A. (2018): Habitat preferences of the rare lizard-orchid Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann. – Tuexenia 38: 329–345.
[PDF 2.2 MB] - Bittnerová, S., Ujhazy, K., Hegedušová, K., Škodová, I., Ujházyová, M. & Janišová, M. (2018): Soil seed bank and above-ground vegetation changes during grassland succession: Is space-for-time substitution an alternative to re-sampling?. – Tuexenia 38: 347–370.
[PDF 1.7 MB] - V., A. M., Mészáros, A., Csathó, A. I., Balogh, G., Takács, A., Löki, V., Lovas-Kiss, Á., Tökölyi, J., Somlyay, L. & Bauer, N. (2018): Distribution and seed production of the rare, dry grassland specialist Sternbergia colchiciflora (Amaryllidaceae) in Pannonian cemeteries. – Tuexenia 38: 371–384.
[PDF 7.7 MB] - Sopotlieva, D., Velev, N., Tsvetkova, N., Vassilev, V. & Apostolova, I. (2018): Ecosystem condition assessment of semi-natural grasslands outside the Natura 2000 network in Bulgaria, using vegetation data. – Tuexenia 38: 385–404.
[PDF 1.1 MB] - Szabo, A. & Ruprecht, E. (2018): Restoration possibilities of dry grasslands afforested by pine: the role of seed bank and remnant vegetation. – Tuexenia 38: 405–418.
[PDF 791 KB] - Didukh, Y. P. & Vasheniak, Y. A. (2018): Vegetation of limestone outcrops in Western and Central Podillia (Ukraine). – Tuexenia 38: 419–444.
[PDF 8.9 MB] - Dressler, S., Gregor, T. & Horn, K. (2018): Dr. h. c. Dieter Korneck (1935-2017). – Tuexenia 38: 445–446.
[PDF 2.9 MB] - Remy, D. & Härdtle, W. (2018): Protokoll der 68. Jahresversammlung am 29.06.2018 in Graz / Österreich. – Tuexenia 38: 459–460.
[PDF 159 KB] - Dierschke, H., Müller J. & D. Remy (2018): Bücherschau. – Tuexenia 38: 461–473.
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