Tuexenia-Band 36 (2016)
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- Coldea, G. & Ursu, T. (2016): A syntaxonomic revision of floodplain forest communities in Romania. – Tuexenia 36: 9–22.
[PDF 1.1 MB] - Dittrich, S., Schmiedel, D., Laupichler, B., Wagner, F. & Oheimb, G. v. (2016): Auswirkungen von Waldbränden auf die Langzeitdynamik naturnaher Kiefernwälder (Leucobryo-Pinetum) im Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz (Sachsen, Deutschland). – Tuexenia 36: 23–36.
[PDF 2.2 MB] - Unterluggauer, P. (2016): Traditionell und intensiv bewirtschaftete Wiesen in Südtirol - ihre Vegetation als Indikator für die Bewirtschaftungsintensität. – Tuexenia 36: 37–62.
[PDF 2.7 MB] - Koczur, A., Świerkosz, K., Reczyńska, K. & Smoczyk, M. (2016): Coenology of the stands of the endangered Lilium bulbiferum subsp. bulbiferum on the north-eastern border of its range in Europe. – Tuexenia 36: 63–79.
[PDF 1.4 MB] - Pruchniewicz, D., Donath, T. W., Otte, A., Zolnierz, L. & Eckstein, L. (2016): Effect of expansive species on seed rain and soil seed bank of mountain mesic meadows. – Tuexenia 36: 81–96.
[PDF 570 KB] - Kruse, M., Stein-Bachinger, K. & Gottwald, F. (2016): Influence of grassland management on the biodiversity of plants and butterflies on organic suckler cow farms. – Tuexenia 36: 97–119.
[PDF 1.4 MB] - Gheza, G., Assini, S. & Passadore, V. (2016): Terricolous lichen communities of Corynephorus canescens grasslands of Northern Italy. – Tuexenia 36: 121–142.
[PDF 991 KB] - Storm, C., Eichberg, C., Stroh, M. & Schwabe, A. (2016): Restoration of steppic sandy grassland using deep-sand deposition, inoculation with plant material and grazing: a 10-year study. – Tuexenia 36: 143–166.
[PDF 2.2 MB] - Sengl, P., Magnes, M., Wagner, V., Erdös, L. & Berg, C. (2016): Only large and highly-connected semi-dry grasslands achieve plant conservation targets in an agricultural matrix. – Tuexenia 36: 167–190.
[PDF 1.0 MB] - Gregor, T., Dressler, S., Nierbauer, K. U. & Zizka, G. (2016): Loss of plant species diversity in a rural German region - assessment on basis of a historical herbarium. – Tuexenia 36: 191–204.
[PDF 1.6 MB] - Kudernatsch, T., Huber, D., Sutcliffe, L., Walentowski, H., Kirchner, M., Fegg, W. & Franz, H. (2016): Vegetationsveränderungen alpiner Kalk-Magerrasen im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden während der letzten drei Jahrzehnte. – Tuexenia 36: 205–221.
[PDF 923 KB] - Nowak, A., Nowak, S., Nobis, M. & Nobis, A. (2016): Vegetation of screes of the montane and colline zones in the Pamir-Alai Mts in Tajikistan (Middle Asia). – Tuexenia 36: 223–248.
[PDF 2.5 MB] - Kämpf, I., Hölzel, N. & Kiehl, K. (2016): Arable weed communities in the south of Western Siberia - impoverished species pools constrain diversity despite low land-use intensity. – Tuexenia 36: 249–270.
[PDF 844 KB] - Dierschke, H. (2016): Veränderungen der Physiognomie einer Landschaft im Jahresverlauf, dargestellt am Beispiel der Muschelkalkgebiete um Göttingen. Teil 2: Synthetische Landschaftsphänologie. – Tuexenia 36: 271–286.
[PDF 3.9 MB] - Becker, T., Csecserits, A., Deak, B., Janisova, M., Sutcliffe, L. & Wagner, V. (2016): Different approaches in grassland analysis - Editorial to the 11th EDGG Grassland Special Feature. – Tuexenia 36: 287–291.
[PDF 329 KB] - Kuzmanović, N., Kabaš, E., Jovanović, S., Vukojičić, S., Aćić, S., Surina, B. & Lakušić, D. (2016): Syntaxonomy and nomenclatural adjustments of steppe-like vegetation on shallow ultramafic soils in the Balkans included in the order Halacsyetalia sendtneri. – Tuexenia 36: 293–320.
[PDF 2.0 MB] - Harze, M., Mahy, G. & Monty, A. (2016): Functional traits are more variable at the intra- than inter-population level: a study of four calcareous dry-grassland plant species. – Tuexenia 36: 321–336.
[PDF 1.7 MB] - Baumann, E., Weiser, F., Chiarucci, A., Jentsch, A. & Dengler, J. (2016): Diversity and functional composition of alpine grasslands along an elevational transect in the Gran Paradiso National Park (NW Italy). – Tuexenia 36: 337–358.
[PDF 2.0 MB] - Valko, O., Deak, B., Török, P., Kirmer, A., Tischew, S., Toth, K., Miglecz, T., Radocz, S., Sonkoly, J., Toth, E., Kiss, R., Kapocsi, I. & Tothmeresz, B. (2016): High-diversity sowing in establishment gaps: a promising new tool for enhancing grassland biodiversity. – Tuexenia 36: 359–378.
[PDF 1008 KB] - Deak, B., Hüse, B. & Tothmeresz, B. (2016): Grassland vegetation in urban habitats - testing ecological theories. – Tuexenia 36: 379–393.
[PDF 798 KB] - Hüllbusch, E., Brandt, L. M., Ende, P. & Dengler, J. (2016): Little vegetation change during two decades in a dry grassland complex in the Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin (NE Germany). – Tuexenia 36: 395–412.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Remy, D. (2016): Protokoll der 66. Jahresversammlung am 03.06.2016 in Regensburg. – Tuexenia 36: 415–416.
[PDF 99 KB] - Dierschke, H., Heinken T. & E. Garve (2016): Bücherschau. – Tuexenia 36: 417–427.
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