Tuexenia Volume 37 (2017)
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- Dierschke, H. & Remy, D. (2017): 90 Jahre Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (FlorSoz). – Tuexenia 37: 9–45.
[PDF 6.1 MB] - Novak, P., Zukal, D., Vecera, M. & Pistkova, K. (2017): Vegetation of oak-hornbeam, scree and ravine forests at lower altitudes in Transcarpathia, Western Ukraine. – Tuexenia 37: 47–63.
[PDF 3.3 MB] - Vukelic, J., Sapic, I., Alegro, A., Segota, V., Stankic, I. & Baricevic, D. (2017): Phytocoenological analysis of grey alder (Alnus incana L.) forests in the Dinarides of Croatia and their relationship with affiliated communities. – Tuexenia 37: 65–78.
[PDF 638 KB] - Slezak, M., Hrivnak, R. & Machava, J. (2017): Environmental controls of plant species richness and species composition in black alder floodplain forests of central Slovakia. – Tuexenia 37: 79–94.
[PDF 687 KB] - Schmidt, W. & Heinrichs, S. (2017): Flora und Vegetation der Lengder Burg im Göttinger Wald - Ein Hotspot der Phytodiversität und seine Veränderungen seit 1950. – Tuexenia 37: 95–125.
[PDF 2.3 MB] - Berg, C., Drescher, A. & Essl, F. (2017): Using relevé-based metrics to explain invasion patterns of alien trees in temperate forests. – Tuexenia 37: 127–142.
[PDF 663 KB] - Haveman, R., Ronde, I. d. & Schaminee, J. H. J. (2017): Retamoid scrubs of the Cytisetea scopario-striati in the Netherlands: a new approach to classify marginal associations. – Tuexenia 37: 143–161.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Baur, P. A., Egger, G., Lautsch, E. & Schmidtlein, S. (2017): Ökologie und Entwicklung des Zwerg-Rohrkolbens (Typha minima) dargestellt am Beispiel der wieder eingebürgerten Population an der Oberen Drau (Österreich). – Tuexenia 37: 163–177.
[PDF 947 KB] - Wolff, C., Gilhaus, K., Hölzel, N. & Schneider, S. (2017): Status and restoration potential of heathlands and sand grasslands in the southwest of Luxembourg. – Tuexenia 37: 179–200.
[PDF 1.5 MB] - Peppler-Lisbach, C. & Könitz, N. (2017): Vegetationsveränderungen in Borstgrasrasen des Werra-Meißner-Gebietes (Hessen, Niedersachsen) nach 25 Jahren. – Tuexenia 37: 201–228.
[PDF 1.7 MB] - Godo, L., Valko, O., Tothmeresz, B., Török, P., Kelemen, A. & Deak, B. (2017): Scale-dependent effects of grazing on the species richness of alkaline and sand grasslands. – Tuexenia 37: 229–246.
[PDF 1.1 MB] - Woch, M. W. (2017): Species trait-environment relationships in semi-dry Brachypodium pinnatum grasslands on old waste heaps left by Zn-Pb mining in the western Małopolska region (S Poland). – Tuexenia 37: 247–270.
[PDF 1.4 MB] - Immoor, A., Zacharias, D., Müller, J. & Diekmann, M. (2017): A re-visitation study (1948-2015) of wet grassland vegetation in the Stedinger Land near Bremen, North-western Germany. – Tuexenia 37: 271–288.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Simmelink, M. R., Janssen, J. A. M., Schaminee, J. H. J. & Weeda, E. J. (2017): Habitat and management preference of Bromus racemosus L., a rare species in mesic meadows of Northwest Europe. – Tuexenia 37: 289–312.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Jehlik, V., Zaliberova, M. & Majekova, J. (2017): The influence of the Eastern migration route on the Slovak flora - a comparison after 40 years. – Tuexenia 37: 313–332.
[PDF 1.8 MB] - Beisheim, K. (2017): Evaluating the ornamental value of the Caucasian flora in Georgia. – Tuexenia 37: 333–354.
[PDF 800 KB] - Garve, E., Kelm, H., Fischer, C., Thiel, H. & Schmitz, U. (2017): Die Kolumbianische Zwergwasserlinse (Wolffia columbiana H. Karst.) - eine neue Wasserpflanze in Niedersachsen. – Tuexenia 37: 355–362.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Claessens, J. & Seifert, B. (2017): Significant ant pollination in two orchid species in the Alps as adaptation to the climate of the alpine zone?. – Tuexenia 37: 363–374.
[PDF 1.4 MB] - Deak, B., Wagner, V., Csecserits, A. & Becker, T. (2017): Vegetation and conservation of Central-European grasslands - Editorial to the 12th EDGG Special Feature. – Tuexenia 37: 375–378.
[PDF 269 KB] - Gilhaus, K., Boch, S., Fischer, M., Hölzel, N., Kleinebecker, T., Prati, D., Rupprecht, D., Schmitt, B. & Klaus, V. H. (2017): Grassland management in Germany: effects on plant diversity and vegetation composition. – Tuexenia 37: 379–397.
[PDF 897 KB] - Kelemen, A., Tölgyesi, C., Kun, R., Molnar, Z., Vadasz, C. & Toth, K. (2017): Positive small-scale effects of shrubs on diversity and flowering in pastures. – Tuexenia 37: 399–413.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Szabo, G., Zimmermann, Z., Catorci, A., Csontos, P., Wichmann, B., Szentes, S., Barczi, A. & Penksza, K. (2017): Comparative study on grasslands dominated by Festuca vaginata and F. pseudovaginata in the Carpathian Basin. – Tuexenia 37: 415–429.
[PDF 676 KB] - Cavlovic, D., Beloica, J., Obratov-Petkovic, D., Durdevic, V. & Kosanin, O. (2017): Simulation of long-term changes in environmental factors and grassland composition in three protected areas of Serbia. – Tuexenia 37: 431–446.
[PDF 1.2 MB] - Dengler, J., Becker, T., Conradi, T., Dolnik, C., Heindl-Tenhunen, B., Jensen, K., Kaufmann, J., Klotz, M., Kurzböck, C., Lampe, P., Langer, N., Marquardt, B., Putfarken, D., Rahmlow, M., Schuhmacher, O. & Went, J. (2017): GrassVeg.DE - die neue kollaborative Vegetationsdaten-bank für alle Offenlandhabitate Deutschlands. – Tuexenia 37: 447–455.
[PDF 868 KB] - Remy, D. & Härdtle, W. (2017): Protokoll der 67. Jahresversammlung am 09.06.2017 in Görlitz. – Tuexenia 37: 459–460.
[PDF 102 KB] - Dierschke, H. (2017): Bücherschau. – Tuexenia 37: 461–471.
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